Our team

Catherine BACOU has surrounded herself with experienced consultants all familiar with the everyday realities of companies. Setting up a quality system, developing a new medical device, and integrating regulatory requirements require an understanding of strategy, analysing risks and opportunities, and being integrated into this type of project ensures informed advice at the service of our customers. In 2021, Isocèle Conseil continues to expand its team with new consultants.

Catherine Bacou - Isocèle Médical

Catherine BACOU

+33 (0)6 62 50 18 43

  • President of Isocèle Conseil
  • Master’s degree in Mathematical and Physical Science
  • 20 years of experience in management and executive positions
  • 20 years of experience in quality advice and regulatory affairs for the medical devices’ industry
  • IRCA quality auditor
Fanny MARILLER - Isocèle Médical


+33 (0)6 30 83 04 80

  • Chief of Operations
  • Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices
  • Master’s degree in Quality Management (Université Versailles St-Quentin en Yvelines)
  • University Diploma in Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices (Paris Descartes)
  • Head of Quality & Regulatory Affairs, Laboratoire 7 MED, Vichy: Management of ISO 13485 certification and CE marking (directive 93/42/CE) for the sale of medical devices (class Is and class III with medicinal substances): drafting and submission of technical dossiers to regulatory authorities
Raphaël MOUSTIE - Isocèle Médical


+33 (0) 6 72 26 39 50

  • Master’s degree in Biotechnologies applied to health
  • Head of Quality/Regulatory Affairs, NODEA MEDICAL
  • Master’s degree in Quality
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485

Caroline CREUSOT

+33 (0)6 86 60 40 27

  • Master’s degree in Quality Security Environment Manager
  • Graduated in regulatory affairs for medical devices
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485

Stéphane WEHRLI

+33 (0)6 16 96 80 44

  • Agronomist Engineer ENSAIA (Nancy)
  • Director of Hygiene and Safety Quality in an industrial context
  • Graduated in regulatory affairs for medical devices
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485


+33 (0)6 07 90 07 45

  • University Diploma in Public Health, specialised in Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Evaluation
  • University Diploma in Methods in Clinical Research
  • Master II in Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Regulation and Law Studies, specialised in regulation and medical devices
  • Master I in Biosciences and Health Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Health Engineering
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485


+33 (0)6 77 98 14 06

  • Master’s Degree in Life Science and Heath
  • Master’s Degree in International Regulatory Environment for Business and Health Products
  • Consultant in medical devices since 2011
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485


+33 (0)7 77 07 80 35

  • Technology degree in Biological Engineering, specialised in biochemistry and biological tests
  • Vocational Bachelor’s Degree in Analytical and Experimental Biology
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485
  • Consultant in quality and regulatory affairs – Medical devices


+33 (0)6 46 21 46 93

  • Master’s Degree in Phamaceutical Sciences (Faculté de pharmacie de Chatenay Malabry)
  • Polytech Engineer (Nancy)
  • Mechanics, Biomechanical structures, Bio materials programme (Faculté de Médecine Nancy)
  • Consultant in quality and regulatory affairs – Medical devices